Monitor configuration syntax


A monitor allows to process results from a measurement.

Configuration fields:

  • descr (optional): monitor’s brief description.
  • measurement-id (optional): measurement ID used to gather results. It can be given (and/or overwritten) via command line argument --measurement-id.
  • matching_rules: list of rules to match probes against. When a probe matches one of these rules, its expected results are processed and its actions are performed.
  • expected_results (optional): list of expected results. Probe’s expected results contain references to this list.
  • actions (optional): list of actions to be executed on the basis of probe’s expected results.
  • stream (optional): boolean indicating if results streaming must be used. It can be given (and/or overwritten) via command line argument --stream.
  • stream_timeout (optional): how long to wait (in seconds) before stopping a streaming monitor if no results are received on the stream.
  • key (optional): RIPE Atlas key to access the measurement. It can be given (and/or overwritten) via command line argument --key.
  • key_file (optional): a file containing the RIPE Atlas key to access the measurement. The file must contain only the RIPE Atlas key, in plain text. If key is given, this field is ignored.


Probes which produced the results fetched from the measurement are matched against these rules to determine whether those results must be processed or not.

Configuration fields:

  • descr (optional): a brief description of the rule.
  • process_next (optional): determine whether the rule following the current one has to be elaborated or nor. More details on the description below.
  • src_country (optional): list of two letters country ISO codes.
  • src_as (optional): list of Autonomous System numbers.
  • probe_id (optional): list of probes’ IDs.
  • internal_labels (optional): list of internal labels. More details on the description below.
  • reverse (optional): boolean, indicating if the aforementioned criteria identify probes which have to be exluded from the matching.
  • expected_results (optional): list of expected results’ names which have to be processed on match. Must be one or more of the expected results defined in Monitor.``expected_results``. If empty or missing, the rule will be treated as if a match occurred and its actions are performed.
  • actions (optional): list of actions’ names which have to be perormed for matching probes. Must be one or more of the actions defined in Monitor.``actions``.

The src_country criterion matches when probe’s source country is one of the country ISO codes given in the list.

The src_as criterion matches when probe’s source AS is one of the ASN given in the list. Since RIPE Atlas defines two ASs for each probe (ASN_v4 and ASN_v6) the one corresponding to the measurement’s address family is taken into account.

The probe_id criterion matches when probe’s ID is one of the IDs given in the list.

The internal_labels criterion matches when a probe has been previously tagged with a label falling in the given list. See the label Action for more details.

A probe matches the rule when all the given criteria are satisfied or when no criteria are defined at all. If reverse is True, a probe matches when none of the criteria is satisfied.

When a probe matches the rule, the expected results given in expected_results are processed; actions given in the actions list are performed on the basis of expected results processing output. If no expected_results are given, actions will be performed too.

When a probe matches the current rule’s criteria:

  • if process_next is True, the rule which follows the current one is forcedly elaborated;
  • if process_next if False or missing, the rules processing is stopped.

If a probe does not match the current rule’s criteria:

  • if process_next is False, the rule processing is forcedly stopped;
  • if process_next is True or missing, the rule which follows the current one is regularly processed.


- descr: Do not process results for probe ID 123 and 456
  - 123
  - 456
- descr: Check dst AS for any probe, errors to NOC; process next rule
  expected_results: DstAS
  actions: SendEMailToNOC
  process_next: True
- descr: Italian probes must reach target via AS64496
  src_country: IT
  expected_results: ViaAS64496
  actions: LogErrors
- descr: German and French probes must reach target with low RTT
  - DE
  - FR
  expected_results: LowRTT
  actions: LogErrors

- descr: Set 'VIP' (Very Important Probe) label to ID 123 and 456
  - 123
  - 456
  process_next: True
  actions: SetVIPLabel
- descr: Set 'VIP' label to Italian probes too
  src_country: IT
  process_next: True
  actions: SetVIPLabel
- descr: VIPs must have low RTT
  internal_labels: VIP
  expected_results: LowRTT

Expected result

A group of criteria used to match probes’ results.

Configuration fields:

  • descr (optional): a brief description of this group of criteria.

Matching rules reference this on their expected_results list.

When a probe matches a rule, the keys in the expected_results list of that rule are used to obtain the group of criteria to be used to process the result.


- descr: Probes from France via AS64496
  src_country: FR
  expected_results: ViaAS64496
    upstream_as: 64496

Common criteria

Criterion: rtt

Test the median round trip time toward destination.

Available for:

  • ping
  • traceroute

Configuration fields:

  • rtt: maximum RTT (in ms).
  • rtt_tolerance (optional): tolerance (in %) on rtt.

If rtt_tolerance is not given, match when measured RTT is less than rtt, otherwise match when measured RTT is within rtt +/- rtt_tolerance %.


    rtt: 50
    rtt: 150
    rtt_tolerance: 30

Criterion: dst_responded

Verify if destination responded.

Available for:

  • traceroute
  • ping
  • sslcert

Configuration fields:

  • dst_responded: boolean indicating if the destination is expected to be responding or not.

For ping, a destination is responding if a probe received at least one reply packet. For sslcert, a destination is responding if at least one certificate is received by the probe.

If dst_responded is True, match when a destination is responding. If dst_responded is False, match when a destination is not responding.


    dst_responded: True

Criterion: dst_ip

Verify that the destination IP used by the probe for the measurement is the expected one.

Available for:

  • traceroute
  • ping
  • sslcert

Configuration fields:

  • dst_ip: list of expected IP addresses (or prefixes).

Match when the probe destination IP is one of the expected ones (or falls within one of the expected prefixes).



- 2001:DB8::1

- 2001:DB8::/32

Traceroute criteria

Criterion: dst_as

Verify the traceroute destination’s AS number.

Available for:

  • traceroute

Configuration fields:

  • dst_as: list of Autonomous System numbers.

It builds the path of ASs traversed by the traceroute. Match when the last AS in the path is one of the expected ones.


- 64496

- 64496
- 65551

Criterion: as_path

Verify the path of ASs traversed by a traceroute.

Available for:

  • traceroute

Configuration fields:

  • as_path: list of Autonomous System path.

An AS path is made of AS numbers separated by white spaces. It can contain two special tokens:

  • “S”, that is expanded with the probe’s source AS number;
  • “IX”, that represents an Internet Exchange Point peering network for those IXPs which don’t announce their peering prefixes via BGP.

The “IX” token is meagniful only if the ip_cache.use_ixps_info global configuration parameter is True.

It builds the path of ASs traversed by the traceroute. Match when the AS path or a contiguous part of it is one of the expected ones.


as_path: 64496 64497

- 64496 64497
- 64498 64499 64500

- S 64496 64497

- S IX 64500

Criterion: upstream_as

Verify the traceroute destination upstream’s AS number.

Available for:

  • traceroute

Configuration fields:

  • upstream_as: list of Autonomous System numbers.

It builds the path of ASs traversed by the traceroute. Match when the penultimate AS in the path is one of the expected ones.


- 64496

- 64496
- 64497

SSL criteria

Criterion: cert_fp

Verify SSL certificates’ fingerprints.

Available for:

  • sslcert

Configuration fields:

  • cert_fp: list of certificates’ SHA256 fingerprints or SHA256 fingerprints of the chain.

A fingerprint must be in the format 12:34:AB:CD:EF:... 32 blocks of 2 characters hex values separated by colon (”:”).

The cert_fp parameter can contain stand-alone fingerprints or bundle of fingerprints in the format “fingerprint1,fingerprint2,fingerprintN”.

A result matches if any of its certificates’ fingerprint is in the list of stand-alone expected fingerprints or if the full chain fingerprints is in the list of bundle fingerprints.


    cert_fp: 01:02:[...]:31:32
    - 01:02:[...]:31:32
    - 12:34:[...]:CD:EF
    - 01:02:[...]:31:32
    - 12:34:[...]:CD:EF,56:78:[...]:AB:CD

DNS criteria

Criterion: dns_rcode

Verify if DNS responses received by a probe have the expected rcode.

Available for:

  • dns

Configuration fields:

  • dns_rcode: list of expected DNS rcodes (“NOERROR”, “FORMERR”, “SERVFAIL”, “NXDOMAIN”, “NOTIMP”, “REFUSED”, “YXDOMAIN”, “YXRRSET”, “NXRRSET”, “NOTAUTH”, “NOTZONE”, “BADVERS”).

Match when all the responses received by a probe have one of the expected rcodes listed in dns_rcode.


    - "NOERROR"
    - "NXDOMAIN"

Criterion: dns_flags

Verify if DNS responses received by a probe have the expected headers flags on.

Available for:

  • dns

Configuration fields:

  • dns_flags: list of expected DNS flag (“aa”, “ad”, “cd”, “qr”, “ra”, “rd”).

Match when all the responses received by a probe have all the expected flags on.


    - aa
    - ad

Criterion: edns

Verify EDNS extension of DNS responses received by probes.

Available for:

  • dns

Configuration fields:

  • edns: boolean indicating whether EDNS support is expected or not.
  • edns_size (optional): minimum expected size.
  • edns_do (optional): boolean indicating the expected presence of DO flag.
  • edns_nsid (optional): list of expected NSID values.

The optional parameters are taken into account only when edns is True.

If edns is True, match when all the responses contain EDNS extension, otherwise when all the responses do not contain it. If edns_size is given, the size reported must be >= than the expected one. If edns_do is given, all the responses must have (or have not) the DO flag on. If edns_nsid is given, all the responses must contain and EDNS NSID option which falls within the list of values herein specified.


edns: true

edns: true
edns_do: true

edns: true
- ""
- ""

Criterion: dns_answers

Verify if the responses received by a probe contain the expected records.

Available for:

  • dns

Configuration fields:

  • dns_answers: one or more sections where records are searched on. Must be one of “answers”, “authorities”, “additionals”.

Each section must contain a list of records.

Match when all the responses received by a probe contain at least one record matching the expected ones in each of the given sections.


        - <record1>
        - <record2>
        - <record3>
        - <record4>
DNS record

Test properties which are common to all DNS record types.

Configuration fields:

  • type: record’s type. Must be one of the DNS record types implemented and described below.
  • name (optional): list of expected names.
  • ttl_min (optional): minimum TTL that is expected for the record.
  • ttl_max (optional): maximum TTL that is expected for the record.
  • class (optional): expected class for the record.

Match when all the defined criteria are met:

  • record name must be within the list of given names (name);
  • record TTL must be >= ttl_min and <= ttl_max;
  • record class must be equal to class.

On the basis of record’s type, further parameters may be needed.


        - type: A
        - type: AAAA
          ttl_min: 604800
          address: 2001:67c:2e8:22::c100:0/64
A record

Verify if record’s type is A and if received address match the expectations.

Configuration fields:

  • address: list of IPv4 addresses (or IPv4 prefixes).

Match when record’s type is A and resolved address is one of the given addresses (or falls within one of the given prefixes).

AAAA record

Verify if record’s type is AAAA and if received address match the expectations.

Configuration fields:

  • address: list of IPv6 addresses (or IPv6 prefixes).

Match when record’s type is AAAA and resolved address is one of the given addresses (or falls within one of the given prefixes).

NS record

Verify if record’s type is NS and if target is one of the expected ones.

Configuration fields:

  • target: list of expected targets.

Match when record’s type is NS and received target is one of those given in target.

CNAME record

Verify if record’s type is CNAME and if target is one of the expected ones.

Configuration fields:

  • target: list of expected targets.

Match when record’s type is CNAME and received target is one of those given in target.


Action performed on the basis of expected results processing for probes which match the matching_rules rules.

Configuration fields:

  • kind: type of action.
  • descr (optional): brief description of the action.
  • when (optional): when the action must be performed (with regards of expected results processing output); one of “on_match”, “on_mismatch”, “always”. Default: “on_mismatch”.

When a probe matches a rule, it’s expected results are processed; on the basis of the output, actions given in the rule’s actions list are performed. For each expected result, if the probe’s collected result matches the expectation actions whose when = “on_match” or “always” are performed. If the collected result does not match the expected result, actions whose when = “on_mismatch” or “always” are performed.

Action log

Log the match/mismatch along with the collected result.

No parameters required.

Action email

Send an email with the expected result processing output.

Configuration fields:

  • from_addr (optional): email address used in the From field.
  • to_addr (optional): email address used in the To field.
  • subject (optional): subject of the email message.
  • smtp_host (optional): SMTP server’s host.
  • smtp_port (optional): SMTP server’s port.
  • use_ssl (optional): boolean indicating whether the connection toward SMTP server must use encryption.
  • username (optional): username for SMTP authentication.
  • password (optional): password for SMTP authentication.
  • timeout (optional): timeout, in seconds.

Parameters which are not given are read from the global configuration file default_smtp section.

Action run

Run an external program.

Configuration fields:

  • path: path of the program to run.
  • env_prefix (optional): prefix used to build environment variables.
  • args (optional): list of arguments which have to be passed to the program. If the argument starts with “$” it is replaced with the value of the variable with the same name.

If env_prefix is not given, it’s value is taken from the global configuration file misc.env_prefix parameter.

Variables are:

  • ResultMatches: True, False or None
  • MsmID: measurement’s ID
  • MsmType: measurement’s type (ping, traceroute, sslcert, dns)
  • MsmAF: measurement’s address family (4, 6)
  • MsmStatus: measurement’s status (Running, Stopped) []
  • MsmStatusID: measurement’s status ID []
  • Stream: True or False
  • ProbeID: probe’s ID
  • ProbeCC: probe’s ISO Country Code
  • ProbeASNv4: probe’s ASN (IPv4)
  • ProbeASNv6: probe’s ASN (IPv6)
  • ProbeASN: probe’s ASN related to measurement’s address family
  • ResultCreated: timestamp of result’s creation date/time


    kind: run
    path: /path/to/my-program
    - command
    - -o
    - --msm
    - $MsmID
    - --probe
    - $ProbeID

Action syslog

Log the match/mismatch along with the collected result using syslog.

Configuration fields:

  • socket (optional): where the syslog message has to be logged. One of “file”, “udp”, “tcp”.
  • host (optional): meaningful only when socket is “udp” or “tcp”. Host where send the syslog message to.
  • port (optional): meaningful only when socket is “udp” or “tcp”. UDP/TCP port where send the syslog message to.
  • file (optional): meaningful only when socket is “file”. File where the syslog message has to be written to.
  • facility (optional): syslog facility that must be used to log the message.
  • priority (optional): syslog priority that must be used to log the message.

Parameters which are not given are read from the global configuration file default_syslog section.

Action label

Add or remove custom labels to/from probes.

Configuration fields:

  • op: operation; one of “add” or “del”.
  • label_name: label to be added/removed.
  • scope (optional): scope of the label; one of “result” or “probe”. Default: “result”.

Labels can be added to probes and subsequently used to match those probes in other rules (internal_labels criterion).

If scope is “result”, the operation is significative only within the current result processing (that is, within the current matching_rules processing for the current result). Labels added to probe are removed when the current result processing is completed.

If scope is “probe”, the operation is persistent across results processing.